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Capital Markets Conference 2012

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Session Presentations

Session 1: Roadmap for Further Development of Local Debt Markets in the GCC Countries

Chair:  H.E. Sheikh Abdulla Bin Saoud Al-Thani
H. E. Sultan Bin Nasser Al Suwaidi, UAE Central Bank Governor
H. E. Hamood bin Sangour Al Zadjali, Oman Central Bank Governor
Mr. Masood Ahmed, IMF

Special Address: Heterogeneity of Financing and Performance - Global Evidence 

Mr. Iftekhar Hasan, E. Gerald Corrigan Professor of Finance (Fordham University) and Bank of Finland

Session 2: Developing Bond Markets in Fiscal Surplus Countries

Chair:  Mr. Phillip Anderson, The World Bank
Mr. Iwan J. Azis, ADB
Mr. George Pickering, QFC
Ms. Kristine Falkgard, Norges Bank
Mr. Paul Malvey, Former US Treasury staff

Session 3: Role of State in Developing Bond Markets – Experience of Emerging Market Economies

Chair:  Mr. Robert Sheehy, IMF
Mr. H.R.Khan, India
Mr. Coskun Cangoz, Turkey
Mr. Jin Myung Kim, Korea
Mr. Otavio Ladeira de Medeiros, Brazil
Mr. Thordur Jonasson, World Bank

Session 4: Motivation for Developing Debt Markets in the GCC - What are the Benefits?

Chair:  Mr. Alfred Kammer, IMF
Dr. Said A. Al-Shaikh, NCB, Saudi Arabia
Mr. Ananthakrishnan Prasad, IMF
Mr. Sami Boujelben, QFMA
Dr. Tariqullah Khan, Qatar Foundation

Session 5: Financing Infrastructure in the GCC Countries - How Can Developing Markets Help?

Chair:  Mr. Edmund O'Sullivan, MEED
Mr. Enrico Grino, QNB
Mr. Abhishek Badkul, Stanchart
Mr. Simon Penney, RBS
Mr. Seetharaman, Doha Bank
Mr. Mohsin Mujtaba, QE​​


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