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Public Relations and Communications Units Representatives and Heads Workshop

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On Thursday 2 june 2011, the General Secretariat for Development Planning organized a workshop for the representatives and heads of the public relations and communication units in the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the National Development Strategy (NDS); including ministries, governmental agencies, private sector and civil society organizations. The purpose of the workshop was to brief them on the communication mechanism related to the strategy implementation phase.

The workshop aimed to inform all the representatives of the communication and public relations units about the NDS and the communication mechanism related to the strategy implementation phase. In addition, the workshop aimed to develop a discussion among the participants to cover the communication process about the NDS with all stakeholders in order to strengthen cooperation and synergies among various communication units that play a key role in mobilizing support for this national project.

The workshop was attended by heads of the public relations and communication units in the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the NDS; including ministries, governmental agencies, private sector and civil society organizations. Furthermore, the workshop gave opportunity to all participants to put forward their views and ideas about the communication process concerning the strategy with all stakeholders.

HE Sheikh Hamad Bin Jabor Bin Jasim Al Thani, the Director General of the General Secretariat for Development Planning, said: “having successfully accomplished the NDS 2011-2016 preparation process, we still have a set of challenges concerning the implementation of plans incorporated in this strategy and to turn them into reality. However, we are confident that we will be able to overcome such challenges.”

He asserted that the communication process is a crucial element in the course of the NDS implementation. He added that it has become important, especially after NDS launching, to inform all those who are concerned with the strategy about the resulting benefits, so that they will be aware of the benefits they shall reap from the strategy and, therefore, they shall support its proper implementation.

Moreover, he pointed out that the communication process has a very valuable role as a means to inform people, educate them and help them keep pace with the NDS implementation progress.​​​