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                        Registry No. in zone:      
Municipality:                         Zone No.:    
1- Block No.:                   2- Questionnaire No.:    
2- Est. Census No.:                                  
4- Building Census No.:       Entrance     5- Electricity No.:              
6- Street No.:               Street Name:              
7- Municipality No.:             Owner's Name:              
8- Location (freeq / gathering / market)   9- Location of Est. in Building:      
10- Status of Est.: Operating 1 Temporarily Stopped 2 Permanently Closed 3 Under Preparation 4 Vacant 5
11- Est.'s Name (Arabic)                                
12- Est.'s Name (English)                                
The following data should be filled for operating establishments only
13- sector of Est. Gov. Dept. 1 Gov. Est./Co. 2 Private 3 Mixed 4 Dip./Int. 5
14- Main Economic Activity of Est.:                              
The following data should be filled if sector was 2, 3 or 4 only
15- Commercial Register No.:                            
16- Est. owner name:                                
17- Nationality of Est.                                
18- Name of officer in charge:         19- Nationality:            
20- Characteristic of Est.: Individual 1 Main Branch 2 Admin. Off./aux. units 3
Local Est. branch 4 Foreign Est. branch 5 Holding Co. 6            
21- Legal Entity: Individual 1 Joint-Liability 2 Limited Partnership 3 Limited Joint-Stock 4
  Limited Liability 5 Joint-Stock 6 Special Joint-Stock 7     Other 8
22- No. of employees: Qatari         Non-Qatari       Total
    Males             Males           Males      
  Females           Females         Females      
    Total             Total           Total      
23- Tel. No.:               24- Fax No.:              
25- PO Box No.:                                  
26- Commercial Register No.:             27- Contractor Register No.:        
28- Municipality permit No.:                                
29- Does the Est. keeps regular books: Yes 1       No 2      
Name of respondent:           Occupation:     Tel. No.:        
Signature               Date:       Mobile No.:        