Upon the consent of the Cabinet in its sixth regular meeting of 2003 on 5/2/2003 on the project proposed by the Secretariat General of the Planning Council, regarding conduct of Buildings, Dwellings, Residential Units, Households and Establishments and observing population characteristics, in order to provide timely data for each of these phenomena. The Statistics Department collected data of establishments during May 2004, within building, residential units and households census. Census staff visited each building in the State during building census to list its components of residential units in order to approach all population and collect data of their characteristics. At the same time, they identified places that practice economic activity and fill special questionnaire about components of these activities and other variables.
Objectives of Establishment Census:
- Give a clear image about the economic activity practiced by the establishment and identify its components.
- Providing detailed tabulations about the establishments operating in the State, e.g. Its geographical location, number of employees, characteristic, legal entity, sector and other tabulations.
- Providing detailed tabulations about the establishments operating in the State, e.g. its geographical location, number of employees, characteristic, legal entity, sector and other tabulations.
- The department as well conducts sample economic surveys, where it obtains its particulars from the establishment framer.
Most important definitions used:
- The Establishment:
Project or part of a project with constant site within the block, performing one or more economic activity under one administration. Holder of the project could be natural or artificial person or government body. Accordingly, basic elements of the establishments are:
- Constant site within the block.
- Practice of economic activity.
- Holder (natural or artificial).
If the establishment:
- Practices its activity in more than one place, whether it was identical, integrated or similar activity, and no separate data are available, all places are treated as one establishment with the block, so long as the holder is the same.
Practices more than one activity in one or several places within the block, each activity will be treated as separate establishment.
In case data could not be separated for each activity, then it will be treated as one establishment and the prevailing activity will be considered as the main activity of the establishment.
If there were many holders practicing their activities in one place, each holder’s establishment is considered separate establishment, even if the activity was the same.
Establishment definition does not include:
- Salesman
- Tankers
- Taxis
- roads and buildings construction sites
- Temporary booths
- Closed stores of establishments without workers.
- Establishment Status:
Operating establishment: The establishment where workers practice one or more economic activity.
Temporarily stopped establishment: The establishment that practices economic activity, components of this activity are available and employs workers, but it is temporarily stopped for the duration of the census for any reason (maintenance, decoration, travel of holder … etc.).
Permanently closed establishment: The establishment that stopped practicing its works for any reason (bankruptcy, desire of holder to leave work … etc.), and obviously it will have any workers practicing any economic activity.
Under preparation: It is a new establishment, where preparation is taking place, e.g. decoration, importation of goods … etc. in order to open it and activity is not practiced yet.
Vacant: It is a place originally prepared for practicing economic activity, and not occupied by an establishment the time of census.
- Name of establishment (Arabic):
It is the known name of the establishment, it could be indicating its activity, whether industrial, commercial or services. The trade name of establishment could comprise name/names of its owners. Governmental, non-profit, diplomatic or international establishments have no trade name and it has its known names.
- Name of establishment (English):
It is usually written on front or entrance of establishment.
- Sector
Government Department:
It usually practices government administrative or service activity, e.g. ministries and departments (Ministries of Defense and Finance, government schools, government health centers, government hospitals … etc.).
Government Establishment/Company:
Companies that practice production and the State own the whole capital (e.g. Qatar Petroleum, Qatar Central Bank, etc.).
Establishments owned by an individual or a group, whether Qataris, non-Qataris, natural or artificial person (does not include joint-stock where the State own shares).
The sector that comprises establishments the State contributes to capital with another body, whether national or foreign.
Includes establishments that practice diplomatic or consular activity for other countries (e.g. embassies, consulates … etc.), it as well includes establishments of regional and international organizations.
- Main Economic Activity:
Type of actual work practiced by the establishment, whether material or service, regardless of sector of the establishment (Government Department, Government Establishment / Company, Private, Mixed, Diplomatic / International); or ownership of establishment (individual, main branch, administrative offices/auxiliary units, branch of local establishment, branch of foreign establishment, holding company). One of the economic activities practiced by the establishment should be written in detail, as will be shown in the coming examples. It is not necessary that name of establishment expresses the actual economic activity.
Definition and elements of establishments should be observed by referring to the owner of officer in charge.
Emphasis should be made on the necessity of mentioning activity in detail, which best describes and classified this activity in accordance with International Standard Calcification of All Industries (ISIC) (e.g. retail trade in textiles, wholesale trade in building materials, manufacturing of cement blocks, men’s tailoring, video tapes rental, sanitary ware installation, engineering consultation … etc.).
- Legal Entity:
An establishment owned by an individual (natural person) where no one has partnership in its holding.
Company composed of two or more natural persons. They are jointly liable with their funds for the company’s financial commitments.
Limited Partnership:
Company includes two parties of partners:
- Acting partners: Who run the company and jointly liable of all company’s financial commitments with their funds.
- Silent partners: Who contribute in the company’s capital and they are liable for financial commitments of the company with the amount they are committed to pay for the company.
Limited Joint-Stock:
Under preparation: It is a new establishment, where preparation is taking place, e.g. decoration, importation of goods … etc. in order to open it and activity is not practiced yet.
Limited Liability:
Number of partners in such company should not be more than fifty (50) and not less than two (2). Any of these partners is liable only for his share in capital. Shares of partners are not represented by transferable checks. The term “With Limited Liability” should be added to the name of company. Its capital should not be less than two hundred thousands (200,000) Riyals evenly distributed on equal value shares of ten (10) Riyals. Purpose of such company should not be practicing work of banking, insurance or investing funds for others, whether personally or by proxy.
Its capital is divided into equal value and circulating shares. The shareholder is liable only for his share in capital.
Qatari Law number (5) states that “Capital of such company should not be less than ten million (10,000,000) Riyals for companies that circulate its shares for public in general subscription.
Special Joint-Stock:
Company with capital composed of equal value shares not for underwriting and not circulated. Usually underwriting is for limited number of persons, i.e. founders. Shareholder liability is limited to his part of shares in capital.
Its founders is not less than five (5), its shares are not for circulation for underwriting, they should underwrite in all shares and its capital should not be less than two million (2,000,000) Riyals.
The establishment that any of the aforementioned does not apply to it.
- Number of employees:
All employees of the establishment, whether owners who work in it (paid or unpaid) or paid workers.
Important note regarding number of employees:
Number of employees does not include capital owner, who gave its management or operating to the employees, and does not include as well any of the family members who do not work in the establishment.