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​For filling Establishment Census Register (Form P.C. 3)

After finishing the numbering and enumeration of residential units, households and establishments (form P.C. 2), the Census Bureau will re-distribute the researchers on zones and blocks according for density of establishments in each zone and block. Then the researcher will enumerate the establishments in his field of work.

The researcher previously, in the stage of enumeration of residential units, households and establishments, wrote the census number of establishment on the main entrance of establishment inside a triangle and the letter (A) inside a triangle on other entrances. Establishments within one block were numbered separately, i.e. number (1) for the first establishment in block until the end of block. The researcher in this stage must start from the first block in his field of work and fill the register data following the numbers that were previously written. Below are instructions of filling.

1- General instructions:

  1. Separate register/registers should be dedicated for each zone, and data of establishment of each block should be written in serial, provided that it starts with the first block in the zone or the least number.

  2. Data of each establishment should be contained in a separate questionnaire starting from the first establishment following the serial number of Establishment Census.

  3. In case there is a block that does not contain any establishments, the code of this block should be written in the list of blocks that do not contain establishments.

  4. Questionnaires in the register should be numbered in serial numbers starting with number (1) and the number of registers in the zone, which starts with number (001). The total number of filled questionnaires should be written on the cover of the register.

  5. Administrative and identification data must be filled on the external and internal covers and at the beginning of the questionnaire, and before starting in filling the data.

  6. Numbers must be written inside squares, whether administrative or identification data or other items, with observing decimal digits in Latin figures (English).

  7. Upon selecting an answer from the pre-coded answers, a circle should be placed around the appropriate code.

  8. The researcher should not be limited to writing the number of establishments written on establishment entrances, yet he must be sure of enumerating establishments that practice economic activity inside residential units and hotels is complete. If he finds cases that were not enumerated, it should be given the last number in block and collect its data; and informs the inspector for confirmation. The inspector should register its data in enumeration of residential units, households, and establishments register.

  9. Temporarily closed establishments on the day of visit should be visited again by the researcher in order to collect its data and keep visiting it until the last day of the census.

  10. The closed store without workers should not be enumerated, which is usually used for self-needs of the establishments, i.e., should not take census number and no data registered in the questionnaire. Only open stores are enumerated that have employees.

2- Instructions for filling the cover of register:

2.1. Name of Municipality and zone number:

Write name and number of municipality and zone number that you work in, which were provided to you by the group leader.

2.2. Register number in zone:

Register number should filled by group leader after completion of work by researchers in the specified area. This number should contain three (3) digits, and the number (001) must be given to the first register in zone, then serial number are given to the following registries after organizing the registries, starting with registries of the first block.

2.3. Total number of registries in zone:

This record should be filled by the group leader of three (3) digits, where he should write down the last serial number reached when giving serial number for registries in the previous field on all zone registries.

2.4. Register number in the researcher’s field of work:

Write the number (1) on the first register you start with and give serial numbers for the following registries until the last register.

2.5. Total number of registries in the researcher’s field of work:

Write the last serial number you reach in the field (register number in researcher’s field of work) on all registries in the field of work.

2.6. Total number of questionnaires filled in register:

Write number of questionnaires filled in the register in the two fields dedicated for that.

2.7. Number of blocks in register:

Write number of registries you worked in the place dedicated for that, including blocks that do not contain establishments.

2.8. Data of employees:

Fill the employees’ data as explained on the cover.

3- Definitions and instructions for filling establishment census questionnaire:

Number of register in zone, name of municipality and number of zone:

Write number of register in zone, name of municipality and number of zone, which were provided to you by the group leader, in the squares dedicated for that.

3.1. Block number:

Write in this field number of block you work in composed of three digits.

3.2. Questionnaire number:

Write number of questionnaire starting with the number (01) in the two squares dedicated for that, provided that the last questionnaire should take the last number in register.

3.3. Establishment census number:

Write the establishment census number composed of four digits, which was previously written by the enumerator in the stage of enumerating buildings, residential units and establishments, inside a triangle on the right side of the main entrance of the establishment. Make sure that other entrances of the establishment had the letter (A) inside a triangle written on them, and the enumerator observed the instructions of establishment definition. If otherwise, contact group leader to make necessary correction.

3.4. Building census number:

Write the building census number occupied fully or partly by the establishment, which was previously written by the enumerator on the main entrance, even if this number was on the other side of the building.

Write the building census number composed of three digits and number of entrance composed of one digit in the separate square.

3.5. Electricity number:

Write the electricity number located on the establishment’s entrance of on electricity meter in the appropriate squares.

3.6. Name and number of street:

Write name of the street where the establishment’s main entrance is located and its number written on the municipality blue metal plate.

3.7. Municipality number / name of building owner:

Write number of municipality placed on building in the appropriate squares, and in case the number is not available, write name of building owner.

3.8. Location (freeq / gathering / market):

Write known names, e.g. Freeq Al Ghanum, Wadi Al sail, Bin Umran, Bin Mahmoud, Al Nigada, etc.

3.9. Location of establishment in Building:

Write specific, clear and detailed description of location of establishment in the building, e.g. the whole building, store at the lower level of building, apartment at second floor to the right, plot with fence, wooden booth, etc.

3.10. Status of establishment:

Draw a circle around the status of establishment at time of census, whether it is operating, Temporarily Stopped, Permanently Closed, Under Preparation or vacant.

3.11. Sector of establishment:

Draw a circle around the appropriate code.

3.12. Economic Activity:

Emphasis should be made to mention type of economic activity in details, which most describes that activity according to (ISIC), e.g. retail trade in textiles, wholesale in building materials, manufacturing of cement blocks, men’s tailoring, video tapes rental, sanitary ware installation contracts, engineering consultation bureau, etc.

Examples of some problems that might face the researcher in the field and how to overcome them:

A. An establishment operating in trade and contracts:

The establishment operates in building materials trade in addition to its work in contracts, and we were not able to separate data of each activity. Here the researcher should be accurate in asking the person in charge to define the main economic activity.

If the answer was:

- The prevailing activity is building materials trade.

He should not write building materials trade only, but asks whether it was retail or wholesale in building materials.

- The prevailing activity is contracts:

He should ask about type of contracts carried out by the establishment, e.g. constructions, sanitary ware, electricity, etc.

B. An establishment operating in tailoring textiles trade:

The researcher should ask about the prevailing activity of the establishment, whether it is women’s tailoring, men’s tailoring or retail trade in textiles.

C. Video tapes sale and rental stores:

The prevailing activity should be defined, whether sale or rental of tapes.

D. Important note: Do not use the following terms to fill economic activity data:

Trade and contracts.

Tailoring and textiles sale.

Grocery or supermarket (write retail foodstuff trade).

Contracts (type of contracts should be specified, buildings, electricity … etc.).

Factory (specify manufacturing: plastic, soap, bricks, etc.).

Trade (specify whether wholesale or retail and specify more whether it is foodstuff, electrical, fuel, textiles, ready made clothes, etc.).

The following data should be filled if sector was 2, 3 or 4 only

3.13. Commercial Register number:

Write the commercial register number that is written on the establishment’s nameplate or that you obtain from the establishment’s owner of officer in charge in the appropriate squares.

3.14. Establishment owner name:

Write the name of the owner of establishment, and in case of more than one owner, write the name of one owner with writing the word brothers or partners, etc. for natural persons. If owner was artificial person, as in shareholder company, write the name of company or institution.

3.15. Nationality of establishment:

Write nationality of establishment. Note that most establishments are Qataris. As for establishments that registered in another country, write name of that country, whether it was headquarter or branch.

3.16. Name of officer in charge:

Write the name of officer in charge of the establishment’s activity.

3.17. Nationality:

Write the nationality of the officer in charge.

3.18. Characteristic of establishment:

Draw a circle around Characteristic of establishment code.

3.19. Legal Entity:

Draw a circle around code of legal entity of the ownership of capital of the establishment that aims for profit. This includes individual, Joint-Liability, Limited Partnership, Limited Joint-Stock, Limited Liability, Joint-Stock and Special Joint-Stock Company.

3.20. Number of employees:

Employees of the establishments are all workers whether they are owners (receiving pay or not) or paid workers.

Important note regarding number of employees:

1. Write number of employees working in the establishment at time of census by nationality (Qataris / non-Qataris) and gender (males / females).

2. Write the figures in the appropriate squares in Latin.

3. Employees do not include capital owner capital owner, who gave its management or operating to the employees, and does not include as well any of the family members who do not work in the establishment.

a. Telephone number:

Write the telephone number of the establishment in the appropriate squares.

3.22. Fax number:

Write the fax number of the establishment in the appropriate squares.

b.Post Office Box number:

Write the post office box number of the establishment in the appropriate squares.

3.24. Commercial Register number:

Write the Commercial Register number of the establishment in the appropriate squares.

3.25. Contractor Register number:

Write the Contractor Register number of contracting companies, whatever type of contracts they practiced by the establishment, in the appropriate squares.

3.26. Municipality permit number:

Write the Municipality permit number of the establishment in the appropriate squares.

3.27. Does the establishment keeps regular books:

Draw a circle around the appropriate square matching the respondent’s answer.

After completing data of the establishment, write the name of respondent, post, telephone numbers, date and mobile number.

Summary of register pages and data of cover

1. Allow one line for each questionnaire and write number of block and number of questionnaire, and then write the number (1) in one of cells of establishment status and number of employees.

2. Upon completion of filling all establishments in the block, regardless of serial number of questionnaire in the second column of summary of register pages, add the columns (operating, temporarily stopped, permanently closed, under preparation, total, vacant and grand total) separately and write the total after the last line in the block, and total number of employees.

3. Leave a blank line before writing data of the second block and total.

4. In case of using all pages of register or finish filling data of all establishments in zone, write on the external and internal cover of register:

Code of blocks in register, including blocks that do not contain establishments, which you wrote in the list at the end of register.

Total number of establishments in register by status (operating, temporarily stopped, permanently closed, under preparation, total, vacant and grand total) after adding block totals in summary of register pages.

Count the filled pages of register and write the total on cover.

Write your information and sign, and obtain the inspector’s signature.

5. Upon completing data of all establishments in zone and written in one or more register, whether in one register’s field of work or more, the inspector shall organize all registers in zone by geographic order and write serial numbers and place number of each register on cover and total number of registers in zone.

Reviewing data of Establishment Census register

Data revision aims to ensure coverage of register to all establishments’ data in buildings that were numbered, and fill all items that should be filled and accuracy of these data.

1. Revision of data in previous stage:

Make sure that mutual data between Establishment Census and register of enumerating residential units and households are matching by following number of establishment in both registers. In case of difference, correct data in any of them according to field

2. Revision of coverage:

Make sure that establishments in all blocks or residential compounds with field of work of researcher are covered or its codes are written in blocks list that do not contain establishments.

Review filled pages to ensure that all items were filled according to instructions.

3. Logical revision:

Check logic of data collected for each establishment, by making comparison between logically related data:

Description of location of establishment and its economic activity. If description of location is an apartment in third floor and its activity is cars repair, this suggests suspension that data are correct and both must be reviewed.

Name of establishment owner and legal entity. If establishment owner is (Ali Nasir & Co.) and legal entity is individual, there must be a mistake, where it is understood from the owner’s name that it is a company, but the legal entity is individual and so on.

Sector and name of establishment are helpful in reviewing the activity.

There is relation between zone number and municipality number according to administrative units manual.

Number of current register must not exceed total number of registers in zone.

There must not be duplication in current register in zone.

Any serial number of questionnaires must not exceed total number of filled pages in register.

Items (11 and 12) must not be left blank or marked with (-). It must be filled with name of establishment, except for vacant establishments.

For operating establishments, item (22) should not be left blank, which number of employees and the following number total number of employees, where it should be equal with sum of both previous cells, namely Qataris and non-Qataris.

In general, after item (10) (status of establishment), if selection was (5) vacant, all following items must be blank.

Summary of register data:

Write number of (operating, temporarily stopped, permanently closed, under preparation and total establishments) that you collected its data in register and according to what is shown in the last line of the table “Summary of register data”.

Number of employees:

Write total number of Qatari and non-Qatari employees and their total according to what is shown in the last line of the table “Summary of register data”.

Tasks of the General Inspector

The general inspector is in charge of census in areas of his work, his major task is supervision. He executes one operation only, which is revision of administrative boundaries of his zones, then supervises number and enumeration work.

The most important tasks of the general inspector are:

1. Training:

Attends the central training program held by the census bureau to general inspectors and inspectors.

2. Receive publications and tools:

Receives his registers, publications and tools from the census bureau, and those of his inspectors.

3. Determination of administrative boundaries of zones:

- Each general inspector will be responsible of several work zones and supervises execution of numbering and enumeration of buildings.

- The general inspector will be acquainted with the administrative boundaries of each zone entitled to and determined in the organizational notebook.

4. Supervision of numbering and enumeration of buildings.

5. Organizational notebooks:

- The general inspector will use the organizational notebook (form 10 P.C.); and fills its tables instantly during field work, according to reports submitted by inspectors.

- Fills table of work zone of each inspector, table of registers delivery and publications in the special form in the organizational notebook (form 11 P.C.).

- Monitors use of organizational notebooks by inspectors.

6. Preliminary results:

Prepares preliminary results of numbering and enumeration of buildings for each zone separately, according to the appropriate forms, and submits preliminary results tables correctly filled to the census bureau within three days of end of field work.

7. Recovery of publications and tools:

Delivery of filled, unfilled registers, publications and tools of his inspectors should take place after the end of field work, field revision and preparation of preliminary results. He should review sort the registers carefully in order to avoid missing of any register/s.

8. The general inspector must perform the following:

- Keeps visiting inspectors while in field work and review and corrects any errors found; and secure work of inspectors by contacting all concerned authorities to remove obstacles that could face them.

- Reviews daily work of inspectors, follows their moves by himself and follows-up building numbers written on entrances and buildings to ensure coverage of all buildings within blocks, including scattered buildings that are located on the block boundary, especially overlapping between blocks.

Tasks of the Group Leader

Each group leader will be responsible for work zone composed of several blocks and supervises the work of number of researchers according to the following tasks:

1- Attends the training program and comprehends definitions and instructions.

2- Field verification of sample households in his work zone.

3- Submits a letter to head of households selected in sample informing him that his household is selected in the survey sample and explains objectives of survey.

4- Field delivery of researchers’ work zones.

5- Office revision of household data for all researchers, especially in the first days of field work.

6- Fills for each researcher his work zones in his organizational notebook.

7- Monitors use of organizational notebooks by researchers.

8- Submits daily reports about work progress according to his organizational notebook.

9- Prepare the preliminary results listed in his organizational notebook.

10- Overcomes any field obstacles that face the researchers and reports promptly any problems to the census bureau that he was not able to overcome.

11- Re-interviews a percentage of households that were previously visited by the researcher and fills the questionnaire to ensure that data were collected according to instructions.

Tasks of the Researcher

Each researcher will have a count field composed of one or more blocks or part of block according to lists delivered to him. The researcher will collect data from the establishments in his count field, accordingly he must execute the following tasks:

1. Training:

Attends the local training program held by the census bureau regularly, pay attention and concentrate to comprehend used definitions and instructions.

2. Receive publications and tools:

- Receives from the group leader the publications and tools needed to execute the count.

- The researcher will fill data of each establishment and fill the register.

3. Organizational book:

Holds the organizational book, where head of group determined his count field, and fill all tables in the book. He should deliver daily production reports on time to head of group.

4. Office auditing:

After completing data collection of all establishments in his field, he should review the coverage, then reviews cells for data, codes or (-) sign according to instructions and logic of data.

5. Preliminary results:

He should prepare the preliminary results after completing revision and amendment and making sure that data are intact and accurate, in accordance with reports in his book. He should then deliver the results to head of group.

6. Delivery of publications and tools:

After completion of field revision and preliminary results, he should deliver filled and unfilled registers, organizational book and identification card to head of group according to the table in organizational book and receives a release letter from head of group. ​​