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Census 2010

The Qatar 2010 Population and Housing Census is the largest and most comprehensive statistical field operation to be implemented in the State. It is the most significant since it provides detailed data and information on:

  • The economic, social and demographic characteristics of the population,
  • Housing conditions,
  • Household composition and conditions, and
  • Building statistics and their characteristics.

The massive amount of statistics and information will be collected in accordance with the latest United Nation's recommendations and also meet the requirements of ministries, planners, researchers, scholars and decision makers. Modern technology will be utilized to furnish summary data to data users a short time after field operations are completed.

The Census depends on the cooperation of everyone in Qatar and is supported by all ministries and governmental departments, civil society institutions, and a Census committee made up of a cross section of Qatar institutions and people.

We take this opportunity to ask all households and individuals in the State of Qatar for their constructive cooperation and to provide accurate information to the Census staff. All information will be provided confidentiality and only summary data will be published.

Welcome Letter

Sheikh Hamad bin Jabor bin Jassim Al Thani

President (acting) of Qatar Statistics Authority

I am very pleased to welcome you to the Census 2010 website. The Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA) is charged with the responsibility for conducting the Census. However, it is only with the assistance of everyone in Qatar that we can do our work. We desire a partnership that benefits everyone.

I want you to know as much as possible about the Census and this website is meant to help in that regard. This website will provide information on the many events associated with the Census. You will be able to find information on the planning for the Census, the time table, the questions that will be asked, the definitions that will be used, the coding classifications, and the tables that will be published after the summary data are tabulated. All of these things will be provided as soon as they are available and some already are as you will see.

Of course, I understand that despite the best efforts of the QSA there will be a need to contact the QSA and you will find here the ways to do that. As there will be a need for 3000 staff to help with the Census please contact us if you are interested in that work. And I would encourage you to be interested as the Census is the largest event organized by the Government of Qatar. Be a part of it!

This Census is important to us all. Information from the Census will document who we are and where we live, how young or old we are, how healthy we are, how educated we are, who is working and in what jobs, and where are we from. It is like taking a picture of your family that you will be able to look back upon in a few years and say that is the way we were.

The Census will also be used to identify where schools should be built, where health facilities are needed, where parks are needed, where more roads are needed, and for retail and service businesses to identify where they should be located. There are many more uses of the data from the Census and you may have ideas that I have not mentioned. As we move toward the Vision 2030 the Census will give us a baseline so we can later measure how well we are accomplishing our goal and Census data are a fundamental building block in our drive towards a knowledge based economy.

Please send us ideas if you have suggestions for improvements of this website. I hope you will find it intuitive and very user friendly. Help the Census help you!

Census Phases

In the Time Table Plan there are 7 Tasks identified. This is a brief explanation of each task:

  • Preparatory Work: In this phase several committees work on the plan for advertising and the media, coordination with GCC countries, questionnaire content and design, definitions and instructions, classification manuals, mapping needs, printing needs, training plans, hiring plans, publication tables design, and the Time Table Plan. Although much of this work is done early in the process the documentation committee continues to work until the census is completed.
  • Redistribution: This is the phase where municipality and zone boundaries are update based on information from other Ministries, With 7 municipalities and almost 100 zones in Qatar the work is very tedious and must be done with precision. This is the basis for complete coverage of the country. No boundaries can overlap and no areas are allowed to be in two zones.
  • Prior Experiment: This is the Pilot Census. The Pilot Census is conducted approximately one year before the Census in order to test maps, training, procedures, questionnaires, edits, tabulations and in essence every aspect of the work that will be done in the actual Census. This test is meant to show problems that need to be resolved before the census.
  • Data Collection: In this phase all buildings are listed, housing units and establishments are identified, and data are collected for all households and institutions. The listing work will begin late in 2009 with Census Day on April 20, 2010. All field work and data collection will be completed within three weeks of Census Day.
  • Office Review: Data from the field work are reviewed for consistency and quality, and coding is done for educational specialization, occupation, and industry.
  • Results Extraction: Summary data are tabulated and the results reviewed. Publication tables are prepared.
  • Automatic Provision: This stage includes the programming required to support the many operations of the Census and begins with very early planning. In the end summary results are posted on the QSA website and final tables are sent for printing of the Census Publications.

Scope of Census

The census will cover all individuals in Qatar on Census Day, April 20, 2010, whether in households, labor camps, institutions, hotels, ports or border crossings. Data will also be collected on buildings, households, and establishments. Qatari and non-Qatari will be included.

Time Table Plan

Before starting any complex project it is a good idea to devise a plan including significant events and milestones that must be met to keep the project on schedule. A Census is a very complex undertaking with many activities and many different people involved.

A well defined plan helps a manger identify problems very early so that corrections can be made and the work can remain on schedule. This time table plan is the map for guiding the 2010 Census to a successful conclusion

Objectives of the Pilot Census


According to the United Nations recommendations, all countries shall undertake national censuses one year before the General Census of Population, Housing and Establishments, for the purpose of international comparison.

  • Test for all steps of conducting field census operations.
  • Testing census forms, examining their contents and investigating simplicity of questions included in these forms.
  • Testing the use of the Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) - known as Palmtop computer-in all data collection processes (nationals, establishment owners…etc) to ensure effectiveness and measure promptness of gaining the results.
  • Evaluating the staff performance average in different steps and estimate the required number of the forthcoming General Census staff.
  • Evaluating accuracy of implementation of local and central training programs and assessing the performance of office and field staff.

Objectives of Pilot Census

  • Test for all steps of conducting field census operations.
  • Testing census forms, examining their contents and investigating simplicity of questions included in these forms.
  • Testing the use of the Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) - known as Palmtop computer-in all data collection processes (nationals, establishment owners…etc) to ensure effectiveness and measure promptness of gaining the results.
  • Evaluating the staff performance average in different steps and estimate the required number of the forthcoming General Census staff.
  • Evaluating accuracy of implementation of local and central training programs and assessing the performance of office and field staff.

Sample Areas

Sample areas were selected based on gradual steps as follows:

  • Four municipalities (namely Doha, Al Rayyan, Al Wakra, Umm salal) were selected, as they represent around 95% of Qatar's population.
  • All blocks that consist of 100-150 complete census buildings within municipalities were selected, according to the 2008 comprehensive real estate survey.
  • Some 21 blocks that include all census elements were defined (Qatari and non-Qatari households, small gathering, large gathering).
  • Four census blocks were selected; each block represents a municipality.
  • The estimated number of buildings, establishments, households and gatherings for each block has been identified.

Structure of the field staff

  • (4) Inspectors (8) supervisors (30) enumerators.

History of Census in Qatar

  • 1904: The first estimate of the population of Qatar and was mentioned in the (Gulf Index) to the traveler J. G. Lorimer and the population of Qatar at that time was estimated on the basis of certain criteria by 27,000 people.
  • 1970: The first census was conducted in 1970 and it was implemented by a foreign company where the population was (111,133) inhabitants as a result of the fast growth of the country, the number of males (71,714) and females (39,419) and the number of Qatari nationals individuals was (45,039) people, along with the number of Qatari male and (22668) female (22371) Qatari people and the total number of those in the labor force (Ability to work) was been (48,390) inhabitants including (8.168) Qatari nationals.
  • 1986: On 16th March this year, the first total census of buildings, housing units, households and establishments was conducted, this process is one of the largest statistical operations carried out by the Central Bureau of Statistics issued the first results Bcildin contains results of a census of buildings, residential units, families and the other containing the results of the census facilities. The number of population at that time was (369,079) male and (247,852) female (121,227) people, followed by a census in 1997 and 2004 census.
  • 1997: On 16th March this year, conducted a comprehensive census of the second census of buildings and housing units, households and establishments where the total population at that time, (522,023) of whom (342,459) males and (179,564) females, and the number of buildings, (79,549) buildings, and the number residential units (92,302), the number of households (73,342) Family.
  • 2004: On 16th March this year, a third total census of buildings, housing units, households and establishments were been conducted as the total population at that time was (744,029) of whom (496,382) are males, (247,647) females, the number of buildings was (99,217) buildings, the number of the residential units was (126,203), and the number of the households was (102,184).