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6 Experts
About the Event

Manual of Statistical Definitions, Concepts & Terms


The Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA) is keen to communicate annually with the coordinators, partners and providers of statistical data, as it holds an annual meeting with the coordinators, partners and providers of statistical data, in order to support the satisfaction of both parties' needs. This year, PSA will hold its annual meeting via an online workshop entitled: “Role of Technology and Concept Unification in Facilitating Statistical Data Exchange” on Tuesday, 9 November 2021. The workshop will involve mixed attendance, whether through personal attendance or virtual participation. The attendees in the 20th floor of the PSA building shall be limited to the PSA staff along with the honored persons concerned with the "Rased Platform". Moreover, communication with participants from outside Qatar, as well as candidates from ministries and governmental and private bodies, will be via the Internet in accordance with the decisions of Qatar's Supreme Committee for Crisis Management.

The importance of cooperation among the various sectors in Qatar is an essential basis for supporting the process of data production, as PSA seeks to cover all economic, social, and demographic fields in order to achieve Qatar National Vision 2030. PSA coordinates continuously with all parties with regard to providing it with the required data and information. In the process of data sharing with entities or individuals, PSA depends on the following technical means: Annual letters to request statistical data from various agencies, surveys, the process of electronic linkage with some data sources and data-producing agencies, which facilitates the direct flow of up-to-date data.

Various presentations will be made on various topics and the latest developments in the statistical process, through the latest achievements of persons concerned in the PSA, with the participation of the coordinators of the source agencies in all sectors of the country.

Events Details

Full schedule of the event

Event Schedule

Day 1: Tuesday, 9 November 2021
8:30 - 9:00
9:00 – 9:15
Opening speech
H.E. Dr. Saleh bin Mohammed Al-Nabit
- President of Planning and Statistics Authority
9:20 – 9:35
H.E. Dr. Nabil Bin Shams
- GCC-Stat Director General
9:40 – 10:00
The launch of the platform of the Guide for Statistical Concepts and Terminology
10:05 – 10:30
Honoring and recognition of the Source agencies - Rased Platform

Session - 1

10:35 – 10:50
Presentation on the data e-platform "Rased"
Mr. Mohammad Saeed Al Mohannadi
- Director of Statistics Department at the Planning and Statistics Authority
10:55 – 11:10
Presentation on the use of technology in conducting censuses and surveys in Qatar
Mr. Nasser Saleh Al-Mahdi
- Director of the Department of Censuses, Surveys and Statistical Methods at the Planning and Statistics Authority
11:15 – 11:30
Presentation by GCC Statistical Center (GCC-Stat) entitled: How technology has facilitated the exchange of statistical data and the unification of concepts
Ms. Amira Al Salhi
- Statistician in the Geographical, Environmental, Tourism and Energy Statistics Division at GCC Statistical Center (GCC-Stat)
11:35- 11:55
Coffee and praying break

Session - 2

12:00 – 12:15
Presentation on the importance of the role of digital transformation in PSA to support the pillars of Qatar National Vision 2030
Dr. Khalid Ali Al-Quradaghi
- Director of Information Systems Department at the Planning and Statistics Authority
12:20 – 12:35
Presentation on the Use of Technological Tools in the Dissemination of Census Data and in the application of statistical quality
Mr. Saud Matar Al-Shammari
- Assistant Director of the Department of Censuses, Surveys and Statistical Methods at the Planning and Statistics Authority
12:40 – 12:55
Presentation on Statistical Data Visualization
Mr. Mohamed Ali Ekeibed
- Demographic Expert in the Department of Statistics at the Planning and Statistics Authority
1:00- 1:45
Final discussion and conclusion
Icon for Workshop Objectives

Workshop Goals

Shedding light on the most important statistical methods and tools related to data collection, analysis, dissemination and use.

Sharing successful experiences in developing the statistical data exchange through technology and unification of statistical concepts.

Underlining the importance of using the latest technologies in disseminating statistical data and indicators.

Underscoring the importance of the role of the statistical concepts unification in facilitating statistical data exchange.

Emphasizing the importance of producing statistical indicators that are increasingly in-demand to set development plans and policies in order to achieve the goals of the National Development Strategy 2018-2022 to realize Qatar National Vision 2030.

Strengthening a sustainable partnership with data providers at the regional and national levels, in addition to the importance of the governmental and private sectors to ensure timely flow of good quality data.

Identifying the challenges that PSA still faces in accessing some comprehensive economic, social and environmental data, and finding appropriate solutions to them.

Icon for Expected Output

Expected Output

Participants shall understand the importance of delivering accurate and timely data to provide users with data according to the statistical calendar, and that any delay affects the data of the State of Qatar in international reports

Suggesting solutions to the challenges facing partners and data source agencies by providing the right data at the right time

Strengthening the relationship between PSA and the data sources

Insisting on the coordinators of the source agencies to increase the provision of support through the process of statistical data exchange

Insisting on the coordinators of the source agencies to work on increasing the use of the data-uploading platform (Rased platform) in order to keep the data electronically