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Data Request

Law (9) of 2022 regulating the right to request information grants you a general right to access information kept by the following entities :

  • Ministries, government agencies and affiliated public authorities and institutions.
  • Private associations and institutions and other entities of public benefit.
  • Companies wholly owned by the State or in which it contributes 51% of their capital or more.
  • Other entities determined by a resolution of the Council of Ministers.

After you submit your request for information, it will be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the law regulating the right to request information

How it works

Select Data Categories

Choose from a wide array of data categories including demographics, economics, social indicators, labor market statistics, and more.

Provide Specifics

Tell us about your specific data needs. The more details you provide, the better we can tailor the data to your requirements.

User Privacy

Rest assured, your data request is handled with the utmost confidentiality and in accordance with data protection regulations.

Data Retrieval

Our dedicated team retrieves the requested data from our comprehensive databases and official sources.

Data Delivery

Once your request is processed, we deliver the requested data to you in a format that suits your preferences, ensuring ease of use.

Start Your Data Journey

Please complete the provided form with the utmost accuracy to facilitate prompt processing of your information request. Your precise input ensures that we can efficiently address your request within the desired timeframe.

Information Requester Data

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Information Requested *

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Time period of the requested information
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Justifications for submitting the request *

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Type of Request *

It is possible to apply to get information urgently in cases where waiting for the specified period to respond to the request may lead to confirmed harm to personal or financial rights.
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Preferred method of receiving information *

The entity may impose a fee for obtaining the information that will not exceed the cost of preparing and delivering it in its final form.
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Obtaining permission to publish the information *

Will the information requested be published?
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Non-personal information obtained upon request, may not be released via the media, social media or by printing or publishing in any other means, except after obtaining permission from the concerned authority.


If my request is approved and the information is obtained, I pledge to the following
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