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Strategic National Outcomes

1 - Sustainable Economic Growth

Adopt a sustainable growth model to transform into a competitive, productive, diversified, and innovative economy

Image for 1 - Sustainable Economic Growth

Our Ambition

  • Expanded core energy sector
  • Long-term competitive specialized clusters
  • A world-class business environment and trading hub
  • Scale-up of innovation eco-system

2030 Targets

Overall GDP growth of 4%

NHC GDP growth of 4%

Net FDI attraction of USD $100 Billion

Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD) of 1.5% of GDP

Diversification Clusters

Qatar will develop the following clusters to drive economic diversification


Expand manufacturing in chemicals and low-carbon metals


Become a re-export hub in select high-value products and strengthen air transport global position


Become a tourism destination of choice for families and develop business tourism and events

IT & Digital Services

Develop Qatar's digital economy and long-term strategic capabilities in AI and other emerging technologies

Financial Services

Develop niche specializations such as insurtech, strengthen asset management and capital markets and drive digital payments


Promote Qatar as a higher education hub, develop specializations, and increase private sector participation

Food & Agriculture

Enhance food security and develop long-term specializations such as agritech


Increase private sector participation, develop medical tourism and build capabilities of long-term specializations such as precision medicine

Future Clusters

Explore building other clusters over time around key technologies, such as green tech, and around national assets, such as media and creative

Our Actions

  • Streamline government to business services across the business life-cycle
  • Introduce targeted regulatory reform to remove impediments for business and investors
  • Enhance judicial system procedures and transparency
  • Harmonize economic zones and FDI-related procedures and incentives
  • Introduce liberalization and privatization measures to unlock potential of target clusters
  • Unlock trade ecosystem, enhancing customs clearance, increasing trade promotion and free-trade agreements
  • Increase private sector access to funding, including credit, risk capital, and capital markets
  • Provide private sector incentives to build capabilities and improve operational efficiency
  • Provide incentives to the private sector to scale-up innovation
  • Further develop scientific research capabilities in key strategic areas
  • Enhance economic infrastructure, including inter-country freight connectivity and ICT infrastructure

2 - Fiscal Sustainability

Strengthen the long-term stability, health, and resilience of the government budget and its balance sheet

Image for 2 - Fiscal Sustainability

Our Ambition

  • Increased non-hydrocarbon government revenues
  • Sustainable fiscal budget and debt levels
  • Enhanced public expenditure efficiency and effectiveness

2030 Targets

Overall fiscal balance of 5.5% of GDP

Sovereign credit rating of AA/Aa2 with stable outlook

Govt. expenditure growth not to exceed NHC GDP growth

Our Actions

  • Develop medium-term fiscal framework
  • Align planning and budgeting processes and implement program-based budgeting across government institutions
  • Streamline procurement to enhance efficiency, improve flexibility, and quality
  • Establish a government spending review unit to conduct deeper review of spending efficiency and effectiveness
  • Enhance the government debt management framework to reduce debt exposure risks and support fiscal planning

3 - Future-Ready Workforce

Enable and develop citizens into globally competitive individuals and attract high-skilled expatriates as long-term partners in Qatar's transformation journey

Image for 3 - Future-Ready Workforce

Our Ambition

  • A skilled and productive labour force
  • Higher participation of Qataris across economic sectors
  • A motivated and more competitive talent base

2030 Targets

Skilled and high-skilled jobs more than 46% of total workforce

2% Labour productivity growth

More than 20% share of Qatari workforce in private and mixed sectors

18%< of graduates in STEM fields

Average score on PISA international test 483

Our Actions

  • Reform labour immigration policy and procedures to enhance Qatar's ability to attract and access high-skilled talent
  • Introduce new types of visas including for entrepreneurs, freelancers and students
  • Deploy upskilling programs and incentives to increase enrolment of Qataris in the private sector
  • Enhance the higher education value proposition to increase access and better align programs with labour market needs
  • Revamp the teacher recruitment and development profession journey to develop and retain high quality teachers
  • Strengthen early childhood education

4 - Social Cohesion

Preserve Qatar's values and strong family bonds, fostering active citizenship, an integrated community, and harmonious society to thrive in a globalized world

Image for 4 - Social Cohesion

Our Ambition

  • A decent standard of living for all individuals
  • Strong and resilient families
  • A participatory community that empowers vulnerable groups
  • Empowered women across all fields
  • Enhanced active citizenship
  • Promote peace and prosperity internationally

2030 Targets

Fertility rate increase to 3.0

Workforce participation rate for people with disabilities of 30%

Licensed social workers increased to 35 per 100,000

35% of women in leadership positions

Volunteering rate of 10%

Our Actions

  • Expand and strengthen service offering and enhance social security benefits for vulnerable segments
  • Empower civil society organizations and the private sector to provide social support
  • Expand family and pro-natalist policies and support the institution of marriage
  • Strengthen support systems to empower women culturally, socially, economically, and within the family unit
  • Develop human capital for social sector, with strengthened standards for social worker jobs
  • Expand the voluntary ecosystem and promote volunteering work in the country
  • Develop a civic incentive program to advance responsible citizenship and participation
  • Activate the role of civil society organizations
  • Enhance aid delivery model and further develop partnerships with the international community

5 - Quality of life

Provide quality of life for all through excellence in healthcare and public safety, with a vibrant cultural life, becoming a best-in-class environment for families

Image for 5 - Quality of life

Our Ambition

  • A strong, efficient, integrated healthcare model
  • World-class entertainment, cultural programs and events
  • Increased sport participation
  • Functional & accessible infrastructure
  • High road safety
  • Low crime and cybercrime

2030 Targets

Increase average life expectancy to 82.6 years

36% reduction in mortality rate from lifestyle related diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes

Share of adults who perform 150 minutes of activity weekly, 79% of males, 70% of females

Infrastructure component of Livability Index of 80 or more

Reduce traffic accidents mortality to less than 4.9 per 100,000 pop

Our Actions


  • Launch a national healthy lifestyle and self-care plan
  • Ensure continuity of care through the patient journey and leverage digital tools and analytics to enhance patient experience
  • Enhance the efficiency and fiscal sustainability of the healthcare system

Entertainment, culture, and sports

  • Develop world-class entertainment and events offering and enhance service excellence
  • Introduce programs tailored for youth preferences and developmental needs


  • Widen the accessibility and attractiveness of recreational facilities and public spaces

Public safety and security

  • Leverage modern technology to increase efficiency in reducing traffic accidents
  • Revamp capabilities to increase efficiency in combating drug crimes and cybercrimes

Other national outcomes will also contribute to enhancing Qatar's quality of life, such as providing access to world-class education, preserving the environment in areas such as air quality, nurturing of a cohesive society and streamlining government services to the community.

6 - Environmental Sustainability

Conserve natural resources, protect ecosystems, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and build resilience against future environmental threats

Image for 6 - Environmental Sustainability

Our Ambition

  • Enhanced air quality
  • Protected biodiversity
  • Well-managed water resources
  • A thriving circular economy
  • Sustainable built environment

2030 Targets

GHG emissions reduced by 25% relative to the business-as-usual

30% of Qatar's land area and 30% of its marine area protected

30% of degraded natural habitats restored

Groundwater extraction reduced by 70%

33% reduction in per-capita household water consumption

4 Gigawatt renewable energy capacity

50% reduction of food waste

Our Actions

  • Implement emission mitigation measures across key sectors, including oil and gas, power and water, transportation, and building, construction, and industry
  • Develop a mobility network that accelerates the shift towards more public and sustainable transportation
  • Implement areas for natural habitat and ecosystems protection and rehabilitation
  • Ensure a reliable and sustainable water provision to safeguard the long-term availability of water resources, maintaining the quality of all water sources and promoting sustainable water conservation practices
  • Integrate circular principles into industrial processes, encouraging the development and adoption of sustainable, resource-efficient practices
  • Champion innovative agricultural practices that prioritize high-yield sustainable farming
  • Implement green building requirements

7 - Government Excellence

Become a world-class provider of government services to citizens, residents, businesses, and institutions, and a top nation for effective, efficient, and agile governance

Image for 7 - Government Excellence

Our Ambition

  • A leader in government services
  • A leader in digital government
  • Enhanced effectiveness of policy-making
  • Accountable government institutions

2030 Targets

90% of services digitized end-to-end

Top 15 country in the Online Service Index

Top 10% on the Government Effectiveness Index

E-Participation Index of more than 0.8

85%+ Customer satisfaction with government services

Corruption Perception Index score of 70 or higher

Our Actions

  • Transform design and delivery of government services, creating innovation labs and digital champions
  • Launch centralized data/AI/cloud capabilities to drive government digital transformation
  • Spearhead digitization and automation across core government functions
  • Reinforce central functions by reducing mandate overlaps and ensuring clear allocations of functional accountability
  • Strengthen policymaking functions across entities and drive cross-policy collaboration
  • Enhance capabilities, governance, operating models of independent oversight bodies
  • Ensure easy access to government reports, policy changes, and open public data
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